Health & Nutrition

Mango is a super fruit rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. It has been associated with many health benefits, including potential anticancer effects as well as improved immunity, digestive, eye, skin and hair health.

Best of all, it’s tasty and easy to add to your diet!

  • High in antioxidants
    Mango has over a dozen different type of polyphenols, including mangiferin, which is especially powerful. Polyphenols function as antioxidants inside your body.


  • Boosts Immunity
    Mango is a good source of folate, several B vitamins, as well as vitamins A, C, K and E — all of which help boost immunity.
  • Supports Heart Health
    Mango contains magnesium, potassium and the antioxidant mangiferin, which all support healthy heart function.


  • Improves Digestive Health
    Mango has digestive enzymes, water, dietary fiber and other compounds that aid different aspects of digestive health.
  • Supports Eye Health
    Mango contains lutein, zeaxanthin and vitamin A — which support eye health. Lutein and zeaxanthin may protect from the sun, while a lack of vitamin A can create vision problems.


  • Improves Skin Hair & Nails
    Mango contains vitamin C, which gives your skin its elasticity and prevents sagging and wrinkling. It also provides vitamin A, which promotes healthy hair.

Mangoes are one of the most widely consumed fruits in the world and are not only delicious, but also nutritious.

Mangoes are low in calories but full of nutrients. One cup (165 grams) of sliced mango provides:

  • Calories: 99
  • Protein: 1.4 grams
  • Carbs: 24.7 grams
  • Fat: 0.6 grams
  • Dietary fiber: 2.6 grams
  • Vitamin C: 67% of the RDI
  • Copper: 20% of the RDI
  • Folate: 18% of the RDI
  • Vitamin B6: 11.6% of the RDI
  • Vitamin A: 10% of the RDI
  • Vitamin E: 9.7% of the RDI
  • Vitamin B5: 6.5% of the RDI
  • Vitamin K: 6% of the RDI
  • Niacin: 7% of the RDI
  • Potassium: 6% of the RDI
  • Riboflavin: 5% of the RDI
  • Manganese: 4.5% of the RDI
  • Thiamine: 4% of the RDI
  • Magnesium: 4% of the RDI 

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